What if you could create a captivating about me page in just 30 minutes? By the end of this post, you will know exactly how to do that for your professional website!
Not many entrepreneurs pay attention to the “about me” page on their website but their visitors do!
Writing a captivating about me page will not only build your brand likability but also turn your visitors into followers and customers.
But first…
What is an “About Me” Page in the First Place?
An about me page is like an actual career portfolio but online.
It gives your readers an insight into you (as an author) and your entire site as a whole. Usually, this is the page where your new visitors are mostly going to click in order to learn more about you.
In this post, you’ll learn how an “about me” page can help both you and your new visitors, how to write your “about me” page easily, and the important questions you should be asking yourself to help turn your visitors into customers.
It’s the best way for you to showcase to your new readers:
Who You Are (your personal and compelling story)
In this section, you want to start with your story, and who you are, and grab the attention of your readers so they want to read more.
Maybe start with a thought-provoking question. You can use this amazing tool to come up with creative ideas.
Below is an example of Amira’s story hook from her About Page:
These are the types of questions that help define your personal story:
- What and how did you get interested in your current business?
- How long have you been working and what experiences do you have?
- What makes you or your products or services valuable to others?
What Your Personal Brand is About
The about page section of your personal brand is a great place to discuss the reasons behind your work, as well as what inspired you to get started with your personal blog or online business.
This can be a good opportunity to share any stories or experiences that have shaped who you are and the work that you do. Here’s an example of Amira’s about page:
It’s also important to use this section of your website to explain what sets you apart from other people who are doing similar things such as your unique value proposition.
One important thing to keep in mind when writing about your personal brand is that it’s not just about talking about yourself. Instead, it’s also about letting others know what you can offer them and why they should work with you or purchase your products or services.
How You Created Your Website or Started Your Business
It is important to talk about your experience and the processes you used for starting your business.
This can be helpful in providing insight into what people might expect when they order from you (testimonials) or visit your site in general, as well as showing them how easy it was for you to get started.
One of the most important pages of any website or blog is the “about” page.
This section allows you to give visitors a bit more information about yourself and your business, showing them that they can trust you with their money or using your services.
Your Ambitions, and How You Can Help Your Readers!
While it’s true that an about page is a place for you to share information about yourself, it doesn’t have to be all about you. In fact, your readers want to know what YOU can do for THEM. That’s the focus of this section!
You need to discuss how your skills and experience can help your potential clients reach their own goals, and how you are the best person to help them succeed.
The biggest thing to keep in mind when writing this section is that it should be unique to you and your business. After all, no two people or businesses are exactly alike!
So focus on sharing the skills and experience that make you an ideal choice for your website visitors, and highlight the ways that you can help them succeed.
One of the most important things to consider when writing your about page is how to connect with your target audience.
It’s also a good idea to consider using pictures or videos that highlight what’s important to you, as this can help your readers get a real sense of who you are and what you stand for.
How can Your About Me Page Help your Blog (and your readers)?
Having an “about me” page gives your readers and potential customers a good reason to know you better.
Today, people prefer to read a site that could help them, and most of all, connect and sympathize with the author of the site in different ways.
In other words, “relatability“.
Having an about me page is ideal if you want to make new connections, gain new clients, work with brands, and network with other entrepreneurs. This is one of the great ways to grow your own brand if you’re a beginner blogger.
Don’t forget that this about me page allows your visitors to contact you and join your email list too.
How do you write an About Me Bio? (aka How do you write a good profile about yourself?)
First-Person vs. Third-Person
First, you need to know the two main ways you can choose to write your about me page:
First-person (such as “I” or “my” or “me”) OR third-person (aka your own name or alternative names such as site title, “her/him” or “them”).
Here is an example of writing in the first person –
“I’m Amira, the owner and creator of A Self Guru and my goal is to help you protect your online business legally”.
Now here is an example of writing as the third person –
“Amira is the creator of A Self Guru and her goal is to help bloggers protect their online business”.
You decide which option works best for you. I prefer “first-person” because it’s more relatable and personable. It’s a great example of how to connect with a lot of people easily.
Target Audience For Your About Page
Before you can start writing anything down, make sure you know WHO your target readers are.
Ask yourself who you want to serve before you write your “about me” page?
Here are some important questions to help you figure out your target audience and reach the right people:
- What is my niche?
- Who am I writing this blog for?
- Who will benefit from my products and services
- What are my target audience’s problems (pain points) that I can solve through my blog
Then write your detailed answers after you have answered these questions above, so you can cater to those people.
When you start writing blog posts, use this SEO tool to create the best content and make sure your blog posts rank on the FIRST page of Google.
Related Post:
5 Simple Ways to Target Your Niche Audience
Your About Me Page is NOT about you
As discussed above, contrary to how it sounds, your about me page is really NOT about you!
Your “about me” page is also not an autobiography. It’s ONLY about your readers and how you can serve them.
The truth hurts to know that readers don’t care about you but what they do care about is what they can get from your site.
You can do this by writing about how your site was created, what made you start your business, your goals and topics you will cover to help your readers, and what they can get from it. You will learn how to do this below.
Your Tone For Writing a Blog About Me Page
Another question I often get is what kind of tone I should use on my about me page?
Remember when I mentioned “relatability”?
Be honest, authentic, and personal.
People want to see the “real” you. The person behind the brand.
Use your own voice that outshines your personality. But make sure it matches the content you write on your site (unless you have multiple authors, try to match it to the main site owner’s tone).
Be Real
Don’t even think about lying your way through! Don’t put false statements in your “about me” page because it will make you lose trust and credibility with your readers.
For example, if you say, “I’ve won 25 gold medals at the Olympic games” (I know, that’s a huge lie but stick with me), people can see through that and they might even do some background research on you (it’s rare but still possible).
So again, be honest because that will get you far in life along with your business.
Don’t write a whole essay!
It is generally recommended that if you want to write over 2000 words, you should stick to doing that on a blog post but not an “about me” page.
Most people try to limit their about me page between 500-1000 words max and get straight to the point.
But do what works best for you.
About Me Page Examples
As an example, I think Amira’s about me blog page is almost 2000 words but it works for her because it’s captivating and inspires her readers while also educating them about her products and services (exactly what they can expect from her!)
Her about me page hooks her readers instantly, shows her personality, and inspires trust and likability (basically, all the components we discussed so far).
Think about all these things when you start creating your about me page.
Look at examples of about me pages from top sites or awesome blogs that inspire you.
I’m not saying you should copy their entire “about me” page but look for inspiration on what you can take from them to help write your own.
Check out Amy Porterfield and Marie Forleo‘s about pages as good examples.
Free About Me Page Template to Download
Grab this About me page template that sums up everything we discussed to get you start writing your about page in the next 30 minutes!
It also includes Amira’s 5 pillars of a great About page plus 7 Step formula she used to create her about me page.
Download the About me page template for free!
How do I Fill Out an About Me Section? (Tips and Rules for Writing a Great About Page)
Follow these steps to complete your blog about me page:
Add a Title & Sub-Heading
This is where you readers can click to find out more about you and your business.
Some heading ideas include “About”, “About Me”, “About Us”, “Who We Are”, “Our Purpose”, “Our Goals”, “Why We Do What We Do” and so forth.
Make sure it is clear and typical.
You can also use sub-headings under your title that helps the readers know what they can benefit from your site.
For example, in Moz’s About page has a sub-heading saying, “We know SEO. In fact, we wrote the blog on it.”. You can tell that their site involves useful information on search engine optimization.
Describe how your site can benefit the readers (Goals)
Ask yourself:
- What are my readers’ problems?
- What can my readers get from my site?
- How can they benefit from the content I write?
- Why should they listen to me?
- Why should they follow me?
Think of it as answering your audience’s problem. Once you have some notes down, write them in full sentences in your paragraphs.
Write a quick introduction about you and your site (+ a photo of you)
This is the part where you can add a summary about yourself such as who you are, what you do and what your site is about.
For example, “Betty is a full-time business coach and the author of How To Blog. Her site offers loads of information about blogging tips for beginners, business advice and branding expertise.”
This is also where you can add your headshot photo either before your introduction sentence or next to the paragraph text. Later I will share with you tips on how to take a professional headshot photo.
Add your first Call-to-Action (Opt-In)
This is where you place your opt-in sign-up page. It’s a great way to give a break to your reader’s eyes and add them to your subscription list.
Add your “Social Proof”
This is pretty much where you show off your site’s numbers and success (like a resume).
For example, how many followers and subscribers do you currently have? You can share your social media links too.
You should probably update this paragraph at least twice a week or monthly. This helps build your blog’s authority and trust.
Share an inspirational story that revolves around your audience
Tell your story in a way where it can also benefit your reader and how you can solve their problems.
What are the reasons that made you start your website or business?
What are the struggles you had to go through and how can it inspire your readers?
You can check out Amira’s inspirational story as to how she started off as a model to a lawyer to now a successful six-figure blogger! (with her full-time job)
Add a second Call to Action (Opt-In)
Give your reader’s another reading break and let them have a second chance to sign up if they haven’t.
Add your bio (+ bonus photo)
This is the part where you can (finally) share a bit more about yourself but also show off any success, rewards and recognitions you have received (and make sure to be honest about them).
Add in helpful evidence of your success so that you can build trust with your readers. Add in any screenshots or links leading towards it.
You can even choose to write in third-person for this section because it shows you more of an “authority figure”. You can also add a bit of personality to it like a quick sentence about “what you do in your free time when you’re not working on your business“, etc.
Lastly, remember to add your contacts & social media links
Where can your reader’s reach or connect with you? This is a great way to grow your social media accounts, your reach and increase your loyalty with brands and readers.
How do you create a good profile about yourself for your About Page?
Add Images to Your About Me Page
This involves a headshot photo of yourself and an image that shows off your brand (such as a personal photo, a logo, or even a short video).
It also allows you to connect with your readers and show off who you are (and not a robot).
A headshot photo can be done at home or at a professional photoshoot. You can even use your own selfie as your author profile pic.
Here are some tips when taking a headshot profile photo:
- Make sure it’s in good lighting. The best lighting is natural lighting, which is soft and diffused. If you are inside, be near a window and let indirect lighting come through. But if you are in a room with no natural lighting (for example, a cloudy day) or no windows, use a cool tone white light bulb, LED lights (somewhere between 3000k to 4000k) or a ring light like this.
- Show off your beautiful face. A good headshot image is to show your entire face. We don’t want to flashback to when you had those emotional phases. You know, the one where you try to be as edgy? Yeah…no.
- Focus! If anything, make sure the camera is focused on only one subject (aka you) and nothing else in the background. It’s best to take a headshot photo in front of a clear wall instead of a busy background. Try to remove anything that can distract the camera such as toys, posters, your open closet, etc.
- Good quality. Try to take a photo on a good camera such as a DSLR or your phone camera (at least the latest smartphones like an iPhone 11, Samsung Galaxy S20, Google Pixel, etc). Taking a low quality will make your “about me” page look unappealing and unprofessional.
Add Links in Your About Me Page
You can add links from your site related to a set of keywords used in your “about me” page.
For example, this snippet “A writer of all things blogging, branding and business-related content…”. You can add a blog post for each of the keywords ‘blogging’, ‘branding’ or ‘business’.
If you want to keep it neat and simple, pick at least 1 keyword and add a link to it.
Don’t add a link because you have to but add one if you think it will be beneficial for your target readers.
At the end, you can add “related posts” (or use it for your Call-to-Action). This is where you lead your readers to your useful content. You can add your most popular pages or top categories from your site. This helps increase your pageviews and shares to that post as well.
Related Video: How to Make $78,000 a Month Blogging
Add a “Call-to-Action” to Your About Page
A “Call-to-Action” (aka CTA) is the action you want your readers to take.
It could be “buying your product”, “signing up for your email list,” or “booking a call with you,” and so forth.
You can place your email opt in, landing pages, “work with me” page, Facebook group or related posts here.
An example of this is “Are you making these 3 legal mistakes that could get your website shut down? Download this FREE guide now“.
Make sure it is concise, inviting and enthusiastic. Don’t be afraid to get straight to the point.
Your choice in Page Design & Colors for Your About Me Blog
Did you know that color can affect the way your customer makes a decision?
For example, the colors red and yellow. Do you know why fast food brands use these? Well, red stimulates hunger, attention and appetite while yellow affects friendliness and joy. Hence, you see these colors on popular fast food brands like McDonald’s, KFC, PizzaHut, BurgerKing, and others!
It’s best to use the right colors for your “about me” page’s background, links, text and supporting images. But make sure it is related to your brand colors so it doesn’t look out of place!
Not only you have to pay attention to the colors but also your website design. Make sure your readers know where to navigate to your “about me” page. It’s best to add it to your top main menu to make it easier for your readers to find it.
Proofreading and Grammar Checks
After you’ve completed your rough draft of your “about me” page, make sure to proofread it and fix any grammatical errors. Do this at least twice or more until you feel like everything makes sense.
It’s best to read it out loud at a normal speed instead of reading it in your mind. This allows you to pause at awkward word placements or punctuation that needs fixing.
You can get your family, friends, or a professional editor to proofread it for you. But if those options are not available for you there are plenty of tools out there like this one I’m using right now that fixes the grammar mistakes automatically when you write your blog about me page.
Final Thoughts- How to Write an About Me Page For Your Blog + Free Template
Now you know how to write a killer about me page that will make a strong impact on your readers along with some of the best practices above!
Make sure to do a great job being personal and real on your About page.
At the end of the day, you want your readers, followers, and clients to not only find you interesting but also feel that they can connect with you. So make sure to add personal details and also be honest, truthful, and open.
Hopefully, this blog post has provided you with some great tips on how to write an about me page for your blog and small businesses.
Don’t forget to download this About Me Page Template (for free) that shows you the 7 steps you need to finish your about page in 30 minutes! Comment below and let me know if you are happy with your about page?
For more valuable tips like these, join our Facebook group here.
Related Posts to About Me Example For Blog and Other Blogging Tips
If you want to start a blog and make money, you need a killer about me page. But you also need other blog growth tips such as below, so check them out:
- Do I Need an LLC For My Blog?
- How to Start a Successful Blog (6 Steps I Followed to Make $1,000 in My First Month)
- How to Start a Podcast with NO Audience
- 7 Best Planners for Bloggers to Grow Your Business
- 5 Blogging Tips Every Blogger Should Remember in 2020
- 8 Secret Ways to Get Your Blog Noticed as a New Blogger
- 3 Must Have Legal Pages For Your Blog
- 16 DIY Legal Documents to Protect Your Blog
- Online Course Agreement Template (for course creators)
About the Author:
Ellen is the creator and writer of an Australian lifestyle blog called Zyrakuma. Her blog features posts on self-development, productivity, mental health, and business/blogging tips. When she’s not blogging, she’s either freelancing, binge-watching YouTube videos or drawing.
Really helpful postthanks for sharing
You are welcome, Jimmy!
This is a very comprehensive article! Love it! It can be so useful for bloggers.
So glad to hear that, Krissy! Thank you for stopping by my blog 🙂
Great post! Bookmarking it because my about page definitely need some touch up. Thanks! 🙂
Thanks, Shetu! Glad this post helped you 🙂
Great advice! I got the free template and going to go review my page now. Thanks!
Awesome! Thanks for grabbing my free About me page template and hope it helps!
Hey AMIRA Mam , Excellent post with Fab-work. Your hard-works are truly appreciable. It is my first time commenting on your blog post and i am glad to say that you have provided helpful tips for writing a perfect About-Me page for website. You have explained very nicely in an impressive way along with all the crucial & necessary information that are true enough to understand and educate the readers & learners as well. I completely agree with your words that About-Me is truly a vital page that helps readers to know about website admin and founder of a site. Having About-Me page also lets readers in understanding that… Read more »
Aww thank you for your lovely comment, Aadarsh! So glad this post helped you so much 🙂 Good luck with your online business!